Zen Walker

Awakening of humanity
 Humanity's role today is to awaken to its purpose of living aligned with the inner wisdom and to reconnect to the deeper source of beingness, to the power that creates worlds. It is everyone's inner purpose on the planet today, consciously or unconsciously. As soon as the inner purpose is the primary focus of life, the outer purpose gets in alignment with the inner purpose. Nature is a role model for feeling that reconnection that resides beyond thought, within the heart. In the heart the consciousness of living totally arises and allows the human to become reunited with its true origin within, that what connects to the universal forces of all that is, and obeys the universal law of attraction, the law of allowance, and the law of creational intent. Inner harmony, wisdom, relief from compulsory thought and acting from feeling becomes the foundation of the new human that understands personal responsibility in finding out the truth that resides withim him and her. We cannot deny that a change is happening, as information is flooding over the world through many different means. As each individual is attracted to learn more in his/her way, this site is dedicated at restoring some silence and stillness, so that the reader might be able to hear the silent voice of his own inner master, the core essence of the greater self, the inner manager that provides life and anything one desires if one is prepared to listen.

In a pure state of inner stillness
In a pure state of outer silence
The world seems to listen to you
The world seems to see you
A new interaction starts within you
And a new interaction starts outside of you
There is seeing with new eyes
Eyes of silence
Eyes of wisdom
Eyes of balance and inner harmony
Eyes of understanding without understanding
An open mind
An open heart
Feelings and flowing
Walking the Zen path
The Zen Walker